Wednesday 13 July 2016

It's Nearly Floor Time

I got a message today from Andy Mc in Holland today telling me to keep going! He also had a link to his website of his MG Midget project which I recommend you check out:

That was all it took to help me decide that I needed to make some more progress with the car and so tonight I finally got the repair to the shock absorber bracket completed after the second time of trying.

The first time the welds didn't take at all and the whole repair just popped off. I guessed because I didn't increase the voltage on the welder to accommodate the thicker metal. So after drilling out the welds and turning up the power I gave it a second go and all was well, as you can see.

This now means there is nothing stopping me from welding in the new floor panel!!

I had to check when I first tried to test fit this panel to fit and it was the 1st April 2013. 

But so much has happened since then both with the car and with life in general, especially the new garden which has been consuming my spare time since September last year. 

I finished off the evenings work by doing the final test fitting before the big weld.

I also though it would be good to see the before and after photo.

Very happy with the way it has turn out and I am certainly looking forward to getting the next section done, just got to remember to turn the welder voltage down before I start!

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