Monday, 29 July 2013

More Welding Practice

Last night it was great to be in my new workshop sorting out the electrics and lighting.

It just seems ages since I was last working away on the MG and having so many issues with the welder certainly did not help. But just being in there with the welder working correctly was a big boost to moral. 

I have got to say that I am very happy with my progress using the MIG welder.

Being able to produce a nice straight weld with little more than watching a video on as my training, just makes me want to get on with it now.

I will need to get some steel sheets next as there is plenty of work to be done!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Delays and Frustrations

So what's going on? 3 months since my last update??

Well first off I have moved premises. My friend gave me 1 months notice that I knew was coming. He had rented out the workshop that has been my renovation classroom since November. 

But fortunately he is a good friend and found me somewhere else to continue my journey!


Yes I am now in a shipping container! Or as it shall now be know 'The Oven', because with the recent hot weather has meant it has been impossible to work in there. I really wasn't sure I would get it all in there, as I was sprawled over such a large space in the workshop. But thankfully there was plenty of room, especially with the chassis on its side. 

I also had a problem with the welder in that it suddenly decided that it would start to arc and then just stop for no apparent reason. After much consultation with reliable experts which took a few weeks (including waiting on parts to be delivered from an unreliable ebay supplier) it turned out to be the old wire, that has oxidised! New wire installed and welding training was underway again. 

So I am now just waiting for a power supply which is due very shortly and we can get back to getting this MG back to its former glory. 

During the lovely weather it seems every MG Midget owner has been taking every advantage of the sun, which has been both great to see so many fine examples out on the road and has spurred me on to get back on it!

Hopefully the next update will not be that far off and I'll have some more progress.