Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Part Tilt Midget

It has been so long since my last post, but sorting out our new house has taken priority. I have been itching to get into the lovely garage and in recent days I made a start on my new project of being able to tilt the chassis to make the welding easier.

As the photo's above show I made a mount out of 3mm steel that would bolt on to the engine stand and attach to the radiator uprights.

I then made a mount and attached it to the rear damper supports as shown below.

I then had to hope that the chassis would tilt...

Thankfully it did! It will tilt further but I didn't want to risk it on my first attempt. Hopefully I can find some more time to weld more panels in!


  1. Looks good, how stable was the assembly when all bolted together

  2. So far it seems fairly solid, but I would like to join the two engine stands to make sure the chassis doesn't twist. The center of gravity shifts about depending on how much metal has been removed. Happy though as the whole lot only cost me £95 and I think it is better than leaning it against a wall or on tyres or mattress until I can get the suspension and wheels back on.
